Saturday, March 13, 2021

Punk Rock: "Defined by Age" (video)

Artist guitarist vocalist Nick Blinko and the British vegan anarcho-punks of Rudimentary Peni, first EP; Seth Auberon, Crystal Q., Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

What if punk were smartass smart?
(Fllynismydog, Jan. 5, 2012) Rudimentary Peni's Rudimentary Peni (7'' EP, 1981) with Nick Blinko's lyrics corrected and edited by their devoted American vegan fans at Wisdom Quarterly (​

Rebirth (samsara) is a terrible thing. Nirvana now.

In the garden the roses have no thorns. Their growth is steady and quite natural, no parasites, no harm. Immortal existence, perpetual motion, forever peace and charm.

The unseeing eyes of the blinded pupils, unseeing guidance, the lead of the blind dogs. Token gestures from life-long investors. Questions are only for those who question, a vicious circle of passive acceptance, passive acceptance of a vicious circle. Prevention by convention of infantile dissension creates a self-sufficient form of self-oppression. A numbing of awareness, a craving to be led, the image of a hero planted in your head. A vicious circle of passive acceptance, passive acceptance of a vicious circle. Questions are only for those who question, the lead of the blind dogs. Dogs of war!

I'm a zombie. The crowd buried me. My piercing eyes they just couldn't see. I'm a zombie, a death in their life. I'm a zombie, no peace in their strife.

"Defined by Age"
The gap between young and old
Exists because it's what we're told
The older generation or the youth of today
Views and actions defined by age
Defined by age - Defined by age
The complacency of middle age
False dignity, moral outrage
Is just the same as the teenage rebel pose
Another source of money-making
Exploitation - Manipulation
A gap is nothing, an empty space
In your mind, defined by age
Fill the space - Defined by age
Fill the space - Defined by age

Discord in B-Ward, a cliché never bored. Discord in B-Ward, Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy fraud? Discord in B-Ward, a goal that's never scored. Discord in B-Ward, excruciating smell hell! Discord in B-Ward, just trust in your lord. Discord in B-Ward, eaten not gnawed. Discord in B-Ward, good deeds fast flawed. Discord in B-Ward, occupants over-awed.

For fifty-four years he worked hard on five foul factory flaws, boredom ranking low on his list of fears. Though they saw his tears, they cried dry tears. He's no teenager. He's a real neat rager. He's got trust encrust in lust though his high finance is low low low. He may look like a heavy metal dealer, but out on the road he's a true freewheeler. He's a Buddhist savior. He's a Christian aider. Ah!

Tower of strength takes to the sea. Scours ocean via quay. Same old story, muscle bound and gory. Brand new story, death without glory. Infinite story, something so hoary. Build a tower of strength, and watch it weaken. Construct high hopes as the brightest beacon. Watch the seagulls eat the trash you contemptuously ditch. Do you know a seagull? Do you know a wreck? Are you tired of the tide? Are you tired of the tide? Roll in a rock pool. Come, let's hide. Do you know a raging wind? Do you know a seagull? Do you know a wreck? Do you know a raging wind? Are you tired of the tide? Are you tired of the tide? Roll in a rock pool. Come, let's hide. Tower of strength takes to the sea. Oh oh oh oh.

(Rock 'n Roll beast is dead, but your hunger must be fed). Come on, everybody, join your hands. Come on, every brain, clap new bands. Come on, everybody, clap your hands. Come on, every brain, join new bands. We all play the same old chords. We all tread on the same old boards. Come on, everybody, join your hands. Come on, every brain, clap new bands. Come on, everybody, clap your hands. Come on, every brain, join new bands.

Evil eye beyond sty and sky. Hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse, hobbledehoy in this hearse. Ha ha ha hearse.

Teenage time killer, when it gets old it can wish it was young. Teenage time killer, skull of James Dean haunts the dream of the teen. Teenage time killer, youth of nausea, youthanasia.

Peanut farmer, B-movie actor! Awakening coughs, desires for powers. Prime the ministers, watch them go off. You have to be hardy to rest on your laurels. You have to be hardy, but I'm so intense. A bun in the oven, I'd fry in the fridge, a newspaper crowd, blind, snow blind. Close one eye, become their king. The wall's between you and me. Are you a snake? I'll use your ladder. I'll use your ladder. I'll use the ladder! Robotic cool can mingle with my humanoid fool. You have to be hardy, you have to be hardy to rest on your laurels! To stop all change, it may sound redundant! Black black black black presi-dudes.

Green to feel blue, is your vision purely golden? Is your humor black or olden? Do you find you're getting yellow when you know you're in the red dread red dread red dread red dread red dread red dread red? I'm your media friend, transparent so close friend. Green to feel blue, is your vision purely golden? Is your humor black or olden? Do you find you're getting yellow when you know you're in the redredredredredredredred? I'm your media friend, round the clock religion. Green to feel blue, is your vision purely golden? Is your humor black or olden? Do you find you're getting yellow when you know you're in the red dread red dread red dread red dread red dread red dread red? I'm your media friend, with you to the rainbow's end, green to feel blue.

Crazy, crazy chain, we're strung up again. Umbilical cord around the neck, and pain is sane. Crazy, crazy chain, gagged and bound inane. Crazy, crazy chain, labelled underachiever and plain. Black statue looms in doomsday rooms, rap fetish worship motivation, lifespan trap! Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy chain!

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