Friday, March 5, 2021

The Conservative Buddhist: Recall Newsom

Peter; Contributor OC AgnosticPfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Recall California Governor Gavin Newsom NOW (
Uber-PC Governor Gavin Newsom continues to destroy the lives and businesses of hardworking Californians.

Help stop this smiley face tyrant (ala Brave New World) before it's too late. Look how he's handled the state's shutdown over coronavirus alarmism.

He's a favorite of Swamp hypocrite Sen. Nancy Pelosi, part of the problem masquerading as the solution. Newsom for president? Stop him now. Website/Petition
Is Gavin Newsom a liar or liberal hypocrite?
Gav Newsom has failed Californians: unaffordable housing, record homelessness, rising crime rate, failing schools, independent contractors thrown out of work, exploding pension debt. Now we're locked down like prisoners while our prisons are emptied.

Hold Gov. Newsom accountable. He must go. But the Real Life Peter Griffin, usually a careless dolt or Libertarian half-wit, still says, "Use a mask, People" [unless you're against it]. We're not sheeple or royal subjects to be dictated to by the likes of Newsom or Cuomo or your state's governor.

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