Thursday, April 29, 2021

Taoism is not Buddhism (Alan Watts)

Wu Wei: The Art of Effortless Living | Taoism
(Youniversal Wisdom, 2/7/21) In The Philosophy of the Tao, The Art of Effortless Action by Alan Watts, he speaks about Taoism and its origins. He explains the philosophy of Tao as the Tao is “the way of nature.” Hence, it is “the way” like Buddhism is the Path or Middle Way.

Even in China the Tao is not Buddhist.
The Tao Te Ching, which is the alternative spelling of the “Dao De Jing,” the Book of Tao, also refers to  the Tao as something that existed "before heaven and earth," or another interpretation of the Tao is “The Source,” or the void, nothingness, empty, zero, or the infinite.

It is nothing itself but also the source of everything.

"When a fool hears about Tao, he just laughs and laughs. If he didn't laugh, it wouldn't be Tao." - Tao Te Ching. Subscribe

There are tons of wisdom in his books. Here are a few recommended Alan Watts books: The Way of ZenThe Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, ​Become What You AreTAO: The Watercourse Way.​

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