Sunday, April 18, 2021

Inspiration: "Finding Joe" FREE (full film)

(Patrick Solomon, 3/19/20) This is the official full-length version of Finding Joe: A story about Joseph Campbell and The Hero's Journey (IMDb) about famous mythologist Joseph Campbell's discovery. It stars:
  • Deepak Chopra
  • Rashida Jones
  • Robin Sharma
  • Sir Ken Robinson
  • Mick Fleetwood
  • Brian Johnson
  • Robert Walter
  • Rebbecca Armstrong
  • Alan Cohen
  • Tony Hawk
  • Laird Hamilton
  • Gay Hendricks
In the early 20th century, while studying world mythology, Joseph Campbell discovered a pattern hidden in every story ever told. He called it “The Hero's Journey.”

An inspirational film, Finding Joe takes us on the ultimate heroic journey: the journey of self-discovery. Know thyself. What is the self? Why did the Buddha teach that there is no self?

As we slay dragons and uncover treasures, we just may find that the holy grail we seek is closer than we think.

Message from the producer: "If you haven't seen it then you are in for a treat! This is hope, courage, and love all wrapped up in an 80 minute burrito of inspiration. I promise, whoever you share this with will thank you. Please share this with as many people as you can... The world needs this message now!  With maximum love, Patrick Takaya Solomon."

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