Friday, April 9, 2021

Traveling to formerly-Buddhist Afghanistan

Yes Theory, 11/22/20; Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Alcove contained giant Buddha the CIA and ISI got Taliban to destroy next to inhabited caves
96 hours inside Afghanistan in 2020
(Yes Theory) I went to Afghanistan -- formerly Gandhara, where Dr. Ranajit Pal claims the Buddha was born and raised in what Wisdom Quarterly thinks were the three seasonal capitals of Kapilavastu: Kabul, Bamiyan, and Mes Aynak (land of the Buddha's family, the Scythians/Shakyians/Sakas).

Afghanistan (ancient Gandhara) was the first Buddhist country, not proto-India or Bihar
A high overview of the Bamiyan Valley
I discovered something about this incredible country that I never expected. We can't wait to see our guide Noor's school develop and are so incredibly grateful to this community for giving us the ability to make these life-changing dreams come true. See Drew Binsky’s video of the trip. Check out Noor’s tour company “Let’s Be Friends Afghanistan”:
​ Who is Yes Theory? People who believe that life’s greatest moments and deepest connections exist outside of our comfort zone.

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