Saturday, May 15, 2021

ESP is real, medical research finds (video)

Dr. Diane Powell (Monroe Institute, 5/12/21); Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, what is our full human potential? (

What do telepathic savants show us about how our brains really function?
(Monroe Institute) Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell’s presents a talk entitled "Telepathic savants: What do they say about how brains might really function?"

I should get her on Aware and Coast to Coast!
Dr. Powell begins with an overview of why autistic children and adults are more likely than neurotypical humans to have an increased experience and expression of psychic abilities, such as ESP, telepathy, and precognition.

She then presents findings from controlled scientific experiments with three autistic children who appear to be highly telepathic.

The last segment contains a radical theory of how brains might navigate an informational field similar to the “cloud” (ubiquitous storage) we access with electronic devices.

This theory offers an explanation for psychic abilities and thereby helps resolve mysteries in clinical neuropsychology -- such as savant syndrome, acquired savant syndrome, and the surprisingly high IQ of some people who are born without brains (those with hydrocephalus, where water replaces a portion of brain tissue).

Who is Dr. Powell?
Harvard expert Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, MD
Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D. is a Johns Hopkins-trained neuropsychiatrist and neuroscientist, former Harvard University faculty member, and an award-winning author and clinician.

She has worked internationally and currently has a private practice in Oregon. She began studying autism in 1987, when she spent six months with Sir Michael Rutter at the Institute for Psychiatry in London.

The ESP Enigma (Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell)
She is an expert on PTSD who co-created psychiatry programs for Survivors of Torture, International and the McCandless Women’s Center in San Diego.

She has served as a member of a think tank on human consciousness at the Salk Institute, as the director of research for the John E. Mack Institute, and on the boards of the Jean Houston Foundation and Forever Family Foundation.

Dr. Powell is a former secretary of the board of the Parapsychological Association.

Her current research focuses on investigating parental reports of telepathy and precognition in autistic children and has been presented at the annual Science of Consciousness Conference, Parapsychological Association Conference, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

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