Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Great vegan street food is two steps away

Plant-based street food from Cena Vegan, Los Angeles, California

Hippies give out veggies at Woodstock 1969.
How do I make great plant-based food, smart stuff full of compassion and savory flavors? I need a Vegan Starter Kit. There's one FREE from There are others, but this one is pretty good...even if the co-opted controlled opposition* that is PETA bothers a lot of good people who might otherwise go green and go veg. We want to prepare a Buddha Bowl for a backyard party now that summer is setting in and temps are skyrocketing. There are two steps. Get the kit then stand in line (or DoorDashCena.
  • *"Controlled opposition"? While PETA sounds like a great organization, many say they in fact behave the way they do to promote opposition. They are the opposite of what they seem to be and thereby keep the status quo in place. That's why they act like elitist, intolerant jerks and holier than thou celebrities.

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