Sunday, May 30, 2021

Laughter Yoga session with Bianca Spears

Laugh with me: Laughter Yoga session
(Bianca Spears) Quick laughter session to get everyone feeling amazing and improving our health at any time of the day or night.

(Family Guy) A bad yoga teacher is a wonder. WARNING: Poop sounds!

This is stupid. I don't know why I'm laughing.
: How can anyone force laughter? Are we watching a stand-up comic kill it? No, it's not necessary. Laughter is social, natural, and contagious! It really is. Nothing needs to be "funny." It's like yawning or barfing when we don't need to. Others do, so we do.

Hi, I'm jolly Budai.
Nature has rigged us to follow others' cues in such things. (With regard to puking, if someone is coughing up a meal, everyone better stop eating it. It just makes evolutionary sense. As to why we yawn when others do, perhaps it's to get more air or to nonverbally indicate that it's time for the tribe to sleep). Laughter is almost entirely social.

We'll prove it. Watch something funny without a laugh track. Dud. Watch a comedian's act first without a laughing crowd then with one. You've already heard all of these jokes. What are you laughing at the second time? Being manipulated to laugh may be a terrible thing.

But once the laughter starts, it almost doesn't matter what we're laughing at. It's bonding the group, even if the group is just a crowd of strangers, the 10:00 pm crowd at the Improv. We are all nonverbally communicating that something is or is not funny, taboos, ethics, social guidelines, violations, and a million other small things.

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