Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Little Book of Being: Mindful (Diana Winston); Dhr. Seven, Jen B., Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly
Routinely being in the moment has a profound impact on our everyday lives and relationships.

What I know about mindfulness.
Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA’s MARC (Mindful Awareness Research Center) Diana Winston ( has written a book.

It’s on the topics of meditation (dhyana) and mindfulness (sati) or what she has taken to calling "natural awareness" -- an effortless, spacious state of resting in the depth of our being.

This form of [nonreactive or bare] awareness [watchfulness, vigilance, presence of mind free of our customary habits of craving, aversion, and confusion] is revered in many meditation traditions as a rich complement to focused mindfulness practice.
  • [Buddhism distinguishes initial bare awareness for calm abiding (samatha) from focused mindfulness for active contemplation to develop insight-knowledge (vipassana) necessary for breaking through to liberating wisdom (prajna).]
This guide invites readers to experience both ends of the spectrum with clear guidance and a wealth of delightful insights and explorations. More

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