Monday, May 17, 2021

Rebirth and NDEs: Dr. Eben Alexander (video)

Samsara, the Wheel of Life and Death, as represented in Buddhist bhavachakra (wiki).

Would the Buddha go electric at the "pump."
(Buddha at the Gas Pump with Rick Archer, April 21, 2021) Are past lives real? Moreover, can we know for sure if we have lived before?

"I've certainly never lived before! This is my first birth," people tell me that the Bible tells me and that science agrees. But interpretations and science are evolving.

"You all may have lived before, but not me!" That's ridiculous. We have all lived many times before, too many.
Karen Newell is part of the interview.
All this living and dying in Buddhism is called samsara, the cycling and recycling through countless lives. Fortunately, Dr. Eben Alexander provides the science for us to be able to accept it in the West. He has partnered with Karen Newell, whose expertise is in related fields like enhancing meditation. More

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