Sunday, May 9, 2021

Stewie: Buddhism for Dummies (cartoon)

(Family Guy via Eemilyy, 4/10/17) Dummy dog Brian explains religion to genius baby Stewart Gilligan Griffin, "Stewie," who wants to know what happens after we die. He finds out from the  various perspectives of Judaism, Buddhism, and Catholicism.

I'm Yesenia, I'm interested in vegan spirituality, and I want to know what Buddhism is.
Jonathan Landaw, stephan Bodian, Gudrun Bühnemann
Buddhism for Dummies
This is a hands-on guide to a widely practiced and ancient world religion.

Buddhism, one of the world's oldest and most widely practiced spiritual traditions, is a fascinating and complex Eastern philosophy rapidly spreading through Western civilization.

What does it mean to be a Buddhist? What are the fundamental teachings and beliefs behind it?

Buddhism for Dummies explores these  and more questions in this updated guide to Buddhist culture. Gain an understanding of the origins of this soothing practice and how it is currently applied to everyday life.

Whether one is a seeker of truth, a student of comparative religion, or curious about what makes Buddhism so widely practiced that it is third only to Christianity and Islam but much older than either.

Most Buddhists go uncounted, like the more than 1 billion in China who are marked as atheistic communists.

Dad, what is Buddhism? - Lisa, dummy, practice don't preach satori like Fat Happy Budai.

In plain English, it defines the important terms, explains key concepts, and explores in-depth a wide range of fascinating topics.

There is new and expanded coverage on all the schools of Buddhism -- including Southeast Asian Theravada, Himalayan Vajrayana, and Northern Asian Mahayana.

There is also an explanation of the continuing relevance of the Dalai Lama, Tibet's temporal-spiritual leader or pope-king, updated coverage on daily observances, monthly celebrations, styles, practices, meditations, and more.
Continuing the Dummies tradition of making the world's religions engaging and accessible to everyone, Buddhism for Dummies is the essential guide. 

P.S. If this book seems familiar, that's probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give it a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release (9781118023792).

It is the classic version and should not be considered a new or updated product. If in the mood to learn something new, there are lots of books that go more in depth. More

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