Thursday, June 24, 2021

Balance in the teaching of the Dharma

Ajahn Chah (, Ven. Sujato, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
The first step: practice. The second step: reading or listening. The third step: practice.
Not too subtle, not too dense; too soft, too hard.
In some cases Dhamma (the Dharma) is taught in very broad and vague terms to the point where it is difficult to know how to put it into practice in daily life.

In other instances Dhamma is taught in high language [in ultimate terms] or special jargon to the point where most people find it difficult to understand, especially if the teaching is drawn too literally from the sutras.

Lastly Dhamma is taught in a balanced way, neither too vague nor too profound, neither too broad nor too esoteric -- just right for the listener to understand and practice to personally benefit from the teachings.

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