Saturday, June 26, 2021

What to do about Cancel Culture? (comics)

JubileeC. Hedges (KPFK); Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The end of free speech is when WE try to decide what others shouldn't say (The Tennessean).
Racist colonial invaders have had their way: Cancel Culture (The Nation)

(JubileeJubilee exists to bridge people together and inspire love through compelling stories. They create shareable human-centric videos that create connection, challenge assumptions, and touch the soul. Ultimately, Jubilee aims to inspire people to live more deeply. Here they tackle the unintentional harm of "cancel culture." It's time to knock it off and stop being holier than thou, demanding others be PC (politically correct). Let people say or claim whatever they want. It's the price we pay for free speech and eventually arriving at truth. YouTube. Instagram: Kendra, Jen, Mel. Join the company. Subscribe. Facebook fan page. Be in a Jubilee video!

"Cancel Culture" comes to science (Wall Street Journal,
Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle (Audible Audio)
American Fascists: The Christian Right...
Chris Hedges (On Contact on KPFK FM) says, “The liberal proponents of cancel culture have become the Grand Inquisitors of speech.

“They wallow in cloying self-righteousness while at the same time they refuse, either because of cowardice or ineptitude, to confront the real centers of power —

“[Those are] the array of intelligence agencies that monitor us 24 hours a day, the rampant out-of-control militarism, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the bankrupt corporate media outlets.

“Proponents of cancel culture are part of the American burlesque of anti-politics masquerading as politics.” More

Chris Hedges has a radio show in Los Angeles: On Contact on KPFK 90.7 FM
The End is Near: We've traded liberty for security (Tom Tomorrow/

Shut up, bitch! You talk too much. Here's to your free speech!
All I said was, "You're [nigg...]." Then I get canceled. I'm a celebrity, and that's a real word! 
You're canceled, Robin! - But, Batman, all I did was reach moksha! - No, you dope, you didn't!
"Citizen Cattle"-- We just do what we're told when we're told. (Ben Garrison)

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