Wednesday, June 16, 2021

HELL on Earth, Heat in Prisons with John Oliver

WARNING: Excess use of F-word, torture of US citizens by US citizens, mass incarceration, racism!

Prison Heat: Last Week Tonight (HBO)
(Last Week Tonight, 6/13/21) John Oliver explains how the failure to air-condition prisons can cause both physical and mental health issues for forcibly incarcerated US citizens -- and why the solution is simpler than we might think.

Connect with Last Week Tonight online...for more almost news as it almost happens, on Facebook like your mom would, on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news, or the official site for all that other stuff at once:
Is Buddhist HELL real?
Wisdom Quarterly Wikipedia edit
Thai Buddhist temple of Judge Yama in hell (W)
The heavens (sagga) are real, including the celestials realms of devas ("beings of light," "shining ones"), but not the hells? Naraka (Sanskrit नरक, literally "of man") is the hell realm in India's Dharmic religions. According to some schools of Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, and Sikhism, Naraka is a place or levels of torment. The word Neraka (modification of Naraka) in Indonesian and Malaysian has also been used to describe the Islamic concept of Hell (A Sociolinguistic History of Early Identities in Singapore: From Colonialism to Nationalis, p. 195). Alternatively, the "hellish beings," denizens, or hellions who are said to reside in these underworlds are referred to as Narakas. In Hindi they are called Narakis. More

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