Saturday, June 12, 2021

My AssBurger's is getting worse

Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
Try heme-rich vegan "meat." Love it or your money back guarantee (Impossible Foods)
"I like big buns" (
Having a case of AssBurger's is a drag. No one understands. And another thing, okay a first thing, who thought up the name "Asperger's"? It's neural atypical. It's worse than toe-fooey (tofu), a marketing nightmare. It's very anal, and any linguist will confirm, get your own!

Get a new name. Stop stepping on our toes. Go back to the Spectrum.

Butt burger: cartoon unvegan meat (TeePublic)
Millennials, watching all the [stories] that they do, are not averse to wearing a tee-shirt like this guy or singing along to Sir Mix-A-Lot, and not just ironically. Can we talk?

Get a new PR firm on the project because disorders are getting worse not better with all these toxic shots going around, being dumped on younger and younger growing bodies when we all know it's never been a threat to younger victims. Watch the banned Vaxxed on Talk to Jim Carrey or Jen 'Carthy.

Ground round (
Did you know that if you use the word "Plandemic" you're a right wing nut who hates science? *Irony* Oh yeah, pick a side; there's no in-between. Unless we're talking veggie burgers, the new ones, Impossible and Beyond Meat. Mmm, juicy. Stories.

What was I saying? D*mn Aspartame, a bioweapon we drink because it tricks the brain into thinking "sweet" with it excitotoxin killing of brain cells. No more soda, and I better lay off the fries. This has been a coded message from between my sheets...of paper.

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