Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Sutra: Magic powers and car racing (video)

Deep Purple: "Highway Star" (NEA ZIXNH, 11/10/16) Classic rock from the album Machine Head. Guitar: Ritchie Blackmore. Keyboards, organ: Jon Lord. Drums: Ian Paice. Vocals: Ian Gillan. Bass guitar: Roger Glover. Mix by N.Z.

(Ford v Ferrari via Tao Tao) Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon) shows Henry Ford II (Tracy Letts) what his Ford racer can do to get Mr. Ford to let Ken Miles race it at Le Mans.

Harder, Faster!
What do you prefer, sex or cars? - S'cars.
Testosterone is a hell of a drug
. And the need for speed is one symptom. It was this way even in the Buddha's time, 26 centuries ago. On various occasions in the sutras there are guys in fancy chariots decked out in banners racing about in the background. Once when asked about this, the Buddha agreed how much it's like their behavior in one of the lower celestial worlds, showing off their glorious and much faster personal spaceships (vimanas), the fortunate result of previous good karma.

Sutra: "Factors of Right Concentration"
In the Samadhanga Sutra ("Samadhi-Factors"), the Buddha gives this analogy: "Suppose there were a chariot on level ground at a crossroads, harnessed to thoroughbreds, poised with whips at the ready so that a skilled driver, a trainer of horses to be tamed, might mount it and — taking the reins in his left hand and the whip in his right — race here and there to any place he liked by any road he wanted.

"In the same way, when a meditator has pursued and developed the fivefold noble 'right concentration' in this way then any of the six higher knowledges he turns his mind to know-and-see, he can witness it for himself whenever he finds an opening. If he wants he can even wield these various supernormal (magical) powers:

How the USA caught up to European race cars
"Having been one he can become many. Having been many he can become one again. He disappears. He reappears. He travels through walls and mountains as if he were going through open space. He can dive in and out of the ground (solid earth) as if it were water. He can walk on water without sinking as if it were dry land. Sitting cross-legged he can fly (levitate) through the air like a bird. With his hand he can touch and caress even the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful.

"He can exercise influence with his body even as far as the heavens (Brahma worlds). He can see this directly for himself whenever he finds an opening. If he wants he can hear — by means of the divine ear-element, which is purified and surpasses the human — two kinds of sounds, human and divine, whether near or far. He can see this for himself whenever he finds an opening. If he wants, he can directly know the minds of other beings, other individuals, having encompassed their minds with his. He discerns [as he wishes]... More

(ABC 13 via Taylor88 Productions, 9/18/18) They say you can't outrun the cops...Maybe...Maybe not. This seems to be in Texas, outside Beaumont, but the Interstate 10 Freeway is one of the most popular to speed on in Los Angeles, California on the way to Las Vegas.

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