Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bezos: How I got to space [on Amazon's back]

Rep. AOC, iconic symbol of the Left
(Fortune) Astronaut Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com’s executive chairman and the world’s richest person, successfully completed his 10-minute flight to the cusp of outer space and back to the West Texas desert [Tuesday] morning.

Upon his return to earth, decked in a pointless blue space suit and a ridiculous cowboy hat,  he thanked his Amazon employees and customers, noting that they “paid for all of this,” referring to the billions in personal Amazon stock he sold to fund his endeavor.

Bezos and his Mexican girlfriend L. Sanchez
Critics of Bezos immediately jumped on the comments. “Yes, Amazon workers did pay for this -- with lower wages, union busting, a frenzied and inhumane workplace [slave treatment], and delivery drivers not having health insurance during a pandemic,” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) said of Bezos' comments on Twitter.

“And Amazon customers are paying for it with Amazon abusing their market power to hurt small business.” More

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