Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Chinese Empire will invade Afghanistan

Tom O'Connor (; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Chinesa to invade Afghanistan for next war, but for now it's friendly intervening (MSN)

China has new man for Afghanistan and plan to avoid Afghan civil war across China border

China has appointed a new delegate to handle a potentially disastrous situation in its neighbor Afghanistan, where Beijing has drawn up a three-point plan to prevent civil war as instability grows following the withdrawal of the U.S. military from the country.
  • PHOTO: Members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Xinjiang Military Region conduct a mid-summer rapid-mortar fire exercise at a reported altitude of more than 4,800 meters in the Karakoram Valley, a vast mountain range spanning the borders of f Afghanistan, China, India, Pakistan, and Tajikistan, in this photo published July 22, 2021.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian announced during a press conference Wednesday that senior diplomat Yue Xiaoyong will replace Liu Jian as Special Envoy for Afghan Affairs.

Liu was said to have "successfully accomplished his mission," and Zhao asserted that Yue, who has previously served as Chinese ambassador to Qatar, Jordan, and Ireland, "will establish a working relationship with colleagues from relevant parties as soon as possible and maintain close communication and coordination."

"The Afghan issue is now the focus of attention for the international community," Zhao told reporters. And he offered Beijing's perspective on the situation. More

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