Monday, July 19, 2021

Guns: yay or nay? (video)

Jordan Klepper (Daily Show, July 2021); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Finding middle ground amidst the gun debate
Jordan Klepper Solves Guns
It's not easy being a socially Engaged Buddhist, but some topics demand it.

Guns in the hands of cowardly criminal police -- trained to kill when they choose to pull the trigger at their own discretion -- constantly threatening citizens, particularly those with darker skin?

It should not be allowed, but all we ever hear about is disarming everyone else. Disarm everyone or give us all our 2nd Amendment rights. Police say they need guns to avoid being shot. Provide them the way the British do, as a special item that needs to be called in. Who knew not all police carry guns?

What's the CIA's Tibetan pope say about guns?
This is not a liberal cause or a conservative one. No one should have guns, and no one should ever use them, but they do and are going to. Cops cannot police cops due to a conflict of interest and an inherent bias in doing so. 

But the mainstream media carries on saying we need more and more limits, gun control measures, when neighboring Canada has more guns in the hands of a larger percentage of its population with next to no gun problem.

Consider the karmic ramifications before buying, training, or using guns. It won't matter much why you shot someone before circumstances come around to being shot.

Is or was the Dalai Lama ever pro-gun or pro-war? Sure sounded like it in 2001 (Seattle Times).
Let's hope HH came to his senses, stopped siding with the CIA and fighting Chinese invaders.

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