Monday, July 19, 2021

Loudmouths: Russell Brand vs. Ben Shapiro

Secular liberal Russell Brand and Jewish conservative Ben Shapiro "respectfully disagreeing"
(Russell Brand, July 3, 2021) Brand spoke with fast talking uber conservative Republican Orthodox Jew Ben Shapiro on his weekly podcast, Under the Skin, from Luminary.

Shapiro is a very popular US conservative political commentator who presents a daily current affairs show called The Ben Shapiro Show on YouTube. His new book, The Authoritarian Moment, comes out on July 27, 2021.

This video is the first half of the conversation. To listen to the rest (another hour) of this audio podcast, it's on Apple Podcasts. People being spied on through Android devices rather than Apple, listen here
Listen to Luminary Original podcast, Under The Skin, to hear from guests including Edward Snowden, Jonathan Haidt, Jordan Peterson, Kehinde Andrews, Naomi Klein, Adam Curtis, and Vandana Shiva.

Subscribe to Luminary on Apple Podcasts at Elites are taking over! Our only hope is to form our own cartel (not a euphemism). To learn more join Brand's cartel at and get weekly bulletins too incendiary for anything but a private inbox.

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