Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Sangha Roundtable: Four Noble Truths (live)

(Buddhist InsightsSangha Roundtable: The Four Noble Truths Join the Buddhist Monastic Sangha at Empty Cloud Monastery in New Jersey for a discussion on the Four Noble Truths. Website:
  • Roy D'Souza ​: πŸ™
  • Ron Gilmour ​: Good evening, all!
  • Myke Karlowski: ​Good evening!
  • Kumu: ​Good evening πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
  • Yudi Tsai ​: Helloooooo πŸ™‚
  • Gurgel Segrillo: ​Friendly greetings πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
  • Jayantha Fernando: ​Good evening
  • Tran Huynh ​: Good evening!
  • Angela Gizzi: ​πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
  • Elaine Saunders ​: Good evening, Venerables. Thank you for sharing your time and wisdom. 
  • Dennise Guzman ​: Good evening friends!
  • Dennise Guzman: ​Can barely hear Ayya....
  • Angela Gizzi ​: Venerables, do you have advice for letting go of desire for ideals and hopes -- such as fairness? :)
  • Angela Gizzi ​: Cessation of dukkha often comes for me during these Dhamma talks
  • Geetha Gnana ​: πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
  • Proto Dhamma ​: It is the Mahacatarika Sutta that says samma ditthi ["right view"] comes first, Bhante.
  • Dennise Guzman: ​Bhante, how does one "veg out" all day on samadhi? πŸ™ƒ
  • Kumu ​: [message retracted]
  • Kumu: ​Bhante, I missed the name of the scientist from Stanford who did the research on brain scans (happy states). That is an amazing finding. Could you please give the name again?
  • Geetha Gnana: ​Thank you Venerables for sharing Dhamma wisdom with all of us πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
  • Angela Gizzi: ​Beautiful advice, thank you, I’ll reflect on this thoroughly :)
  • Proto Dhamma: ​Bhante in the suttas, I believe Venerable Sāriputta became an Arahant while listening to a discourse. Do you think it is still possible to attain Aranhantship by listening or reading a sutta?

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