Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Buddhism Finally Explained! (video)

Buddhism is kinda out there, Man
(exurb1a, June 3, 2021) If interested in Buddhism, this is some stuff I certainly got a kick out of over the years. So a massive portion of this video came from a lecture series by Malcolm David EckelListen to it (audible.com) and, no, no one's sponsoring me for this. It's just ace.

Also my favorite version of The Dhammapada, the sayings of the Buddha, is on YouTu.be. A great written intro to Zen Buddhism is Zen Mind Beginner's Mind (goodreads.com) by Shunryu Suzuki.

Another brilliant intro to Zen is by Alan WattsAct Normal (a great documentary on Vimeo about a Western Buddhist monk).

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COMMENTS (10,606 and counting)
  • (Lij 175) This sounds like an overly complicated way to say, “Reject humanity; return to monkey.” 
  • (Dillon Schickel) Turtle man defended the blobfish. My life is complete. Enlightenment achieved.
  • (GimR's Lab) To everyone having issues with "conquering yourself," I just want to encourage you. I was deeply depressed during my 20s and experienced a lot of loss. I thought would never be able to be who I wanted to be and never get out of the hole I was in. But I did, and you can, too. Things aren't perfect, but I'm very happy where I'm at compared to where I was before. This doesn't work for everyone, but my first step was just straight up accepting who I was in that moment. I had trouble getting one task done a day and often laid in bed for 2 hours after waking up. I was a shell. It's a little paradoxical, but when I accepted my current self and stopped guilting myself over it is when I was finally able to muster the energy to start changing. That energy was previously wasted on self hatred and comparing myself to others. Anyways, have a good one, hope this helps at least one person who's reading.
  • (AMANTA KOFA) Islam: "Praise god and its followers." Christianity: "Praise Jesus and he'll save you." Buddhism: "Reject existence, return to nothing."
  • (Ahshhdhd ____) (edited) This channel is basically what happens when the dorky guy who was obsessed with spacey shit as a kid finds out about LSD.
  • (Doodle Turnip) Guys, he's gotten past his optimistic nihilism faze [phase] and found non-Western perspectives. Soon he'll be experiencing ego death and talking about connecting to higher realms. The beautiful cycle continues.
  • (MyNamesChai) "I'm not a Buddhist; I'm barely a person." Thanks for bring me back to smiling after that trip, brother. Keep making things. You're a gem. All love
  • (yaat yaboi) (edited) “I’m an alcoholic not an educator.” “I hope you’re listening because there will be a test at the end.” 😂
  • (David J Ward) "Our outer identities are shifting all the time, of course" inserts still of Boris Johnson in amongst the gargoyles).
  • (Bipin Lekhak) So they made a religion out of a middle-aged Nepali man having existential crisis. I can relate.
  • (BasedSensei) “How can we overcome suffering?” *Shows pic of a mosquito biting someone*
  • (BestAtNothing) (edited) It's definitely fun to ponder on these deep existential dilemmas, but I really would just rather be a tree or a rock.
  • (Loaf Breed) The bong rip after introducing Matreiya absolutely fucking slayed me.
  • (Zak W) "I'm barely a person." I fucking knew this guy was a machine.
  • (Avatar Lhamo) "I'm not a Buddhist; I'm barely a person." Well, you know who'd say that? A Buddhist
  • (MuchWeeb) Came in learning about Buddhism, left crying in the shower.
  • (The Dank Meme Spike) You Never disappoint. That was an absolutely amazing video. 👏
  • (Chowder Pickles) "You long for coffee to be miserable faster." Entire description of the human condition.
  • (Vunga) This sounds like an overly complicated way to say "Avatar: The Last Airbender."
  • (PwnWin Win) I feel like this kinda missed the point of Buddhism towards the end of the video. Buddhism would tell you that if you truly want nothing, Bladerunner is fine, and unlikely to exist when everyone wants nothing. It focuses on your view on life and what you can do to be happy in a crappy existence.
  • (Cam Mackenzie) "I'm not a Buddhist...I'm barely a person." Amen philosophy turtle, amen.

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