Sunday, July 4, 2021

WikiLeaks: Julian Assange case crumbles!

Jim Dore (; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
We've been lied to! Hands off Assange ( Don't shoot the messenger (NPR)

Leak of secret files exposes true Afghan War
Jimmy Dore has an update on the case against Julian Assange, who is currently in solitary confinement at Her Majesty's Prison Belmarsh in England. He tried to save the world by revealing the ugly truth about America's capitalist military-industrial complex and its crimes around the world.

To thank Assange, the CIA, NSA, NSC, FBI and others came down on him like a bag of hammers, chasing him into an embassy for safekeeping then extracting him to face trumped up charges abroad.
Don't kill the messenger of bad news, NPR.
But Assange can't be extradited because US prisons are so, so very bad that the judge can't bring herself to violate world standards to put a suspect at that kind of risk. The case created against Assange was all a fraud meant to defame him and take attention away from the rich, militant perpetrators. Who could forget the classic WikiLeaks' release "collateral murder" video of Reuters journalists? Where's Chelsea Bradley Manning? What happened to Reality Winner? Who?

Wikileaks: The document dumps that shook the world (BBC News)

Wikileaks revelations everyone should know about
(Be Amazed, 2/25/17) Wikileaks, since 2006 this site with its charismatic founder, Julian Assange, has been exposing secrets and facts those in charge don't want you to know about. It has humbled multinational corporations, brought down corrupt governments, and may have changed the course of a few US presidential elections. Here's a list of the Top 10 Wikileaks discoveries to Be Amazed.

The truth hurts. It's so unpatriotic. Shut up, Jimmy, shut up! It's the 4th!
Oops, how dare you make US royal and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton look bad!

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