Saturday, August 14, 2021

20 Kids with Real Superpowers (video)

20 Kids with Real Superpowers
(Ultimate Fact, 6/25/21) We are all great fans of superheroes and have once in a while dreamed of becoming one. Be amazed. There are real superheroes among us. Their extreme superpowers are purely natural and the most shocking thing is that they are just kids. Today let's unveil the Top 20 kids with real superpowers.

20. Gabby Gingras: Feels no pain. This pretty girl is typical though always accompanied by someone who monitors her every move to make sure she doesn’t injure herself as she goes to her gym class and plays ball games. The reason is Gingras doesn’t feel pain. So to avoid injuries Gingras has to wear helmets and goggles. It's not a great superpower to feel no pain. The reality is Gaby’s teeth had to be removed because while growing up she always chewed her fingers and scratched her gums.

19. Hasnaa Muslumani: Makes diamonds in her eyes. From Lebanon is this 12-year-old girl recently discovered that she has an unusual ability. While studying she felt a foreign object in her eye. When her mother took her to the doctor, three pieces of hardened crystals were removed from her eye. Surprisingly she has been crying seven or eight crystals every day. The pieces are wrapped in a gelatinous membrane, so she feels no pain at all when it happens.

18. Alani dos Santos: Spiritual healer. Dubbed "The Little missionary," this little girl from Brazil is a remarkable human being. She may not be a human being. With healing being popular in India and Brazil, people suffering from terrible chronic illnesses now feel better after spending time in the presence of this superhero kid.

17. Natasha Demkina: X-ray vision. This child has the ability to see through things and into the human body, starting at the age of 10. She looked into her mother's body at that time.

16. Ramses Sanguino: Mind reader, autistic polymath, ESP/PSI. This young boy can speak seven languages and read other people's minds

15. Ivan Stoiljkovic: The Magnetic Kid. This iron kid is from Croatia. At the age of 6, Stoiljkovic became famous for being magnetic. He was caught on camera displaying a strong magnetic field that attracts metal objects. His parents say his strength allows him to carry 50 pounds of metal on his magnetic body. The magnetic waves he emits are also said to have healing properties.

14. Giuliano Stroe: Super physical strength. This little body builder holds worlds records on push ups and hand walking with balance with a weight ball beyond his years.

13. Yang Jinlong: Super physical strength. This 7-year-old is a big boy and a big eater with amazing human strength, able to carry his 200 lb. father and pull cars alone like a mule.

12. Tanishq Abraham: Boy genius, doctor-in-waiting. This Indian-American prodigy already has three college degrees at age 11, who has spoken at a TED conference and was the youngest poster presenter at a NASA conference. He has discovered exoplanets and a supernova.

11. Maya Gamata: Psychic yogini can see blindfolded. This 9-year-old has a remarkable ability to read while blindfolded, perhaps using her third eye. She can recognize colors, alphabets, gestures, and can even do body scans. Medical experts from around the world are amazed by her ability. It may be due to meditation as she is a very spiritual Hindu. We may all be able to do it with practice.

10. Boris Kipriyavonich: Space alien reborn on earth. Among children with real super powers, Kipriyavonich is peculiar for not being from earth. This boy has puzzled experts and others by claiming that before he was reborn here, he was a Martian.

9. Adam Kirby: Boy genius, high IQ. This 2-year-old from the UK has an IQ of 141 and scored highly on the test even before he could speak in complete sentences.

8. Ben Underwood: Blind but can echo locate like a bat. When he suffered retinal cancer at the age of 3, Ben became blind. What's incredible is that he is able to see without eyes. He uses echo location by clicking his tongue, which enables him to walk without a walking stick. He can even plays sports.

7. Anna Belysh: Super strong and flexible. Among people with real superpowers, Belysh is amazing. By the age of 10 this Russian girl was already displaying her unique strength by doing 1,500 push ups in less than an hour in front of an audience, earning her a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. She can shoot arrows with her feet and get into any yoga pose.

6. Tsung Tsung: Musical prodigy. This 5-year-old boy from China is a piano playing genius.

5. Aurelien Hayman: Super memory. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a super memory to remember things that happened growing up? As we grow older we tend to forget a lot as a result of aging and not  practicing to have better memory. Hayman suffered a rare condition called hyperthymesia and lost his ability to forget at the age of 11. Now an adult, Hayman can describe any moment in his life from what he ate to the temperature and the music playing on the radio.

4. Deepak Jangra: Electro. This 11-year-old from India can take electricity into his body without harm, up to 11,000 volts from a high powered line.

3. Young Titus Ashby: Basketball whiz. This 7-year-old never misses a basketball shot since he was 18 months using a regulation ball and hoop height. He is a YouTube sensation who has been on Jimmy kimmel Live!

2. Nong You-Hui: The Night Eye can see in the dark.. This Chinese boy was born with blue eyes that look green in daylight. This isn’t an issue even though both parents have dark brown eyes, and there’s no family history of any another color. Besides his crystal blue eyes, it’s interesting that at night he has perfect vision. And his eyes glow like a cat when light shines on them.

1. Emma Tablate: Pyromaniac. She is a pretty 3-year-old girl from the Philippines who has been dubbed the "fire starter." She can set things on fire with just the power of her mind [tummo]. She was enjoying a normal childhood until people started associating her with fire outbreaks wherever she went. When the police cordoned off their home to investigate the matter, she said something would burn in the house and it did. This is pyro-kinesis.

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