Monday, August 16, 2021

Bob Dylan sued for molesting girl, 12 (video)

Adrian Horton (The Guardian, 8/16/21); Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Bob Dylan accused of drugging, sexually abusing girl, 12, in 1965 (
Bob Dylan accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old in 1965
You weren't mad at Woody Allen. Why me?
A lawsuit, filed Friday, alleges the Nobel laureate plied a girl with drugs and alcohol and abused her over six weeks in 1965.

A new lawsuit alleges that famous Jewish-Christian folk singer Bob Dylan, a Nobel-winning songwriter, plied a 12-year-old girl with drugs and alcohol before repeatedly sexually abusing her in 1965.

He ruined my life, my whole [bleeping] life!
The lawsuit alleges that the “Times They Are A-Changin’” singer “befriended and established an emotional connection with the plaintiff,” identified in Manhattan supreme court papers, obtained by The Guardian, only as “JC” and groomed her over a period of six weeks in April and May 1965.

The suit, filed late Friday on behalf of JC, now a 68-year-old woman living in Greenwich, Connecticut, alleges that Dylan, then 23 or 24 years old, “exploited his status as a musician by grooming JC to gain her trust and to obtain control over her as part of his plan to sexually molest and abuse” her.
According to the complaint, Dylan established a “connection” with JC to “lower her inhibitions with the object of sexually abusing her, which he did, coupled with the provision of drugs, alcohol, and threats of physical violence, leaving her emotionally scarred and psychologically damaged to this day.” More

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