Sunday, August 22, 2021

Buddhas of Bamiyan (Binksy's travel video)

The destroyed 4th cent. Buddhas of Afghanistan
(Drew Binsky, 12/9/20) Did you know that a town called Bamiyan in Afghanistan [ancient Gandhara] marks the Westernmost expansion of Buddhism in the history of the world? [Buddhism went much further west to Scythian ancient Greece (Bactria) and the Ukraine, throughout Central Asia and into Europe's Kalmykia].

Way back in the 4th century, [Hazara] people in Bamiyan literally carved two massive Buddha statues into the mountain [although Russian psychic Theosophist Madame Blavatsky says they are much, much older, signifying the decline of humankind] and they stood strong for 1,600+ years, until they were ruthlessly destroyed by [the CIA-ISI creation called] the "Taliban" [fundamentalist Muslim "students" or Talibs following an extremist form of the religion called Wahhabism concocted by CIA operatives and researchers] in 2001...

The Buddha's homeland, Scythia/Shakya/Saka Land, ancient Gandhara/modern Afghanistan
It's one of the saddest stories known to humankind, but it was still an incredible site to visit. After spending three days in Bamiyan, I am completely amazed by the nature around this mountainous area, as well as the amazing people who have welcomed me here with open arms.

For decades, Bamiyan has been recognized as the safest and most stable place in the Afghanistan -- which certainly felt like the truth when I was there a few weeks ago... but then the horrible news came that two bomb blasts rocked the main marketplace -- where much of this video was shot.

It breaks my heart that the innocent people of Afghanistan must risk their lives every time they step outside. Afghanistan is one of my favorite countries in the world, and I hope viewers have been enjoying this series on my second visit to the war torn country. I still have four more videos to share.

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