Monday, August 16, 2021

Comic Cuomo-sexuals backtrack (Fox's Tucker)

Tucker shows "humiliating" montage of late-night comedians backtracking on sexist harasser NY Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo
(Fox News, Aug. 11, 2021) Cuomo-sexual conversion therapy really works. Mark Steyn joins Tucker Carlson Tonight to react to montage of late-night hosts fawning over the disgraced Democrat governor, one in a line of sexual deviants in power on both sides of the aisle but seemingly more on the Dem side, like current White House creep Joey Biden. Where's child molesting Republican Matt Gaetz? It's time to rid CNN of Chris "Conflict of Interest" Cuomo for dereliction of duty.

Kill the elderly. All is forgiven. Touch females inappropriately? You're out!
Ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo will be homeless. He owns no home or apartment.

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