Friday, August 20, 2021

Jewel Sutra: The Treasure Discourse (video)

Ratana Sutra with English and Pali subtitles
(Joyful Buddhist) Here is live chanting of the Ratana Sutta with Pali and English subtitles by Sri Lankan monks of the Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery.

Mahamevnawa Vihara, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
The Ratana Sutta is a Buddhist discourse (Sanskrit sutra, Pali sutta) found in the Pali canon's Sutta Nipata (Snp 2.1) and Khuddakapātha.

This discourse is chanted daily throughout Theravada Buddhist countries as a paritta or "protective incantation" and blessing.

The decision was made to chant this paritta to bless all who are affected by the novel manmade coronavirus pandemic and the alarmism surrounding it -- and all who face any form of harm, negativity, sickness, particularly the fear of death.

The original occasion for this sutra was, in brief, in the ancient City of Vesali. It was afflicted with a famine, causing many deaths. Due to the presence of decaying corpses, unclean spirits began to haunt the city. This was followed by a pestilence.

(Chao Khun Rak Wat Sutthavas Vipassana) Ratana Sutta background story of exorcism
Plagued by these three fears of famine, non-human beings, and pestilence, the citizens sought the help of the Buddha, who was at that time staying in Rajagaha (modern Rajgir).

Followed by a large number of monastics including Ven. Ananda, his attendant disciple, the Buddha traveled to the City of Vesali. The moment the Buddha set foot in the city, torrential rains fell and washed away the putrefying corpses.

The atmosphere became purified and the city was clean. Then the Buddha delivered this Jewel  or Treasure Discourse (Ratana Sutta) to Ven. Ananda. He gave him instructions to tour the city with the Licchavi citizens reciting the discourse as a mark of protection to the people of Vesali.

Ven. Ananda followed these instructions and sprinkled sanctified water from the Buddha's own alms bowl. As a consequence the unclean spirits were exorcised and the pestilence subsided.

Thereafter Ven. Ananda returned with the citizens of Vesali to the public hall where the Buddha and other disciples had assembled awaiting their arrival. There the Buddha recited the same "Jewel Discourse" to the gathering.

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