Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Pastor gives out COVID religious exemptions

Sarah Mizes-Tan (Cap Radio.org, Sacramento, capital of California NPR.org, Aug. 16, 2021, 6:57 pm); Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
But I have a written exemption. - Oh, too late! You should've said something. Next time maybe.
Pastor gives anyone who asks for religious exemptions for COVID-19 vaccine
Bend over, Citizen Cattle. Obey, suckers, obey.
A Rocklin pastor started giving people written notes for religious exemptions as a way to skirt around state vaccine mandates, highlighting a gray area of COVID-19 requirements.

In an interview with KCRA, Pastor Greg Fairrington says he’s giving out religious exemptions to healthcare workers, people who are government employees, teachers, and any person who asks.

Sarah Mizes-Tan (@sarah_mizes_tan) Twitter
California in recent weeks began requiring many workers to be vaccinated, tested weekly or else risk losing their jobs.

Lawyers say workplaces can enforce these mandates. But Dorit Reiss, law professor at UC Hastings who specializes in vaccine policy, says current employment law makes religious exemptions easy to take advantage of. 

“I have a lot of issues with religious exemptions and they’re exactly because they’re so tempting to game,” Reiss says.  

Evidence? Watch Vaxxed (bitchute)
She says employers can question workers if they feel their excuse isn’t genuine. But she adds the flaw in the process is forcing people to use religion as a guise for why they don’t want the vaccine.

“I think if we’re willing to give people exemptions from vaccine law, we shouldn’t force them to lie and say their reasons are religion [even if they are],'' she said.

“I think it makes more sense to say we’ll give people a general exemption, but we’ll make it hard to get.” 

Reiss anticipates there will be many employers and workers fighting this mandate in court. More

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