Saturday, August 28, 2021

Stephen Hawking: robot sex guy (video)

John Oliver (HBO); Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy; Matt Groening, Simpsons; Wisdom Quarterly

Stephen Hawking interview: Last Week Tonight
Charlize Theron's beauty evolution
(Last Week Tonight/HBO) John Oliver talks to Stephen Hawking in the first installment of Last Week Tonight's new "People Who Think Good" series.

They cover such topics as parallel universes, black holes, artificial intelligence, robots taking over the world, and the chances of John Oliver landing a date with Charlize Theron.

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Dr. Steven Hawking is a jerk on Futurama and The Simpsons

Wait, Hawking really was a creep?
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He gets a final message. I've got a current message. Come see me live to hear it.

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