Monday, August 23, 2021

What about non-Taliban girls? (The Nation)

The Nation; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Washington DC’s War on the Women of Afghanistan is over? What happens now? (The Nation)

Hey, Fat, don't blame me for war. I said pull out.
(The Nation edited by Wisdom Quarterly) What will be the consequences of stopping our beloved 20-year war on Afghanistan?

We know that there are more than 250,000 Afghans internally displaced  by our bombs, drones, meddling, nation-building, and trouble-making since the end of May.

There are thousands more in recent days living in makeshift tents and in parks and on the streets of the capital of Kabul.

We know Afghanistan’s borders are almost all closed and that people are terrified. People are afraid of the rising violence, afraid of their Taliban resuming power in their own country [having been created by the CIA and Pakistan's ISI to fend off the Russians as the Mujahedeen and as a convenient pretext along with 9/11 and Osama bin Laden for the West to invade for its own nefarious capitalist purposes], afraid of the US decamping across the country all week.

Questions are everywhere. How did the Taliban, with 75,000 or so scattered forces, defeat the 300,000-strong US-trained, US-armed, and US-supported Afghan government troops?

Why didn’t that US-trained Afghan military fight? Why did the United States withdraw most of its troops — and shouldn’t Warlord Biden send troops back [under the pretext that they are there] to protect Afghan women from Taliban control? More

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