Friday, September 24, 2021

Buddhist comics, humor, and laughs

Eds., Wisdom Quarterly; Angel City Zen; Leo Cohen; Pinterest; Matt Caron (

“If thou art too busy to laugh, thou are too busy.” - Unknown (Honest Tea bottlecap)


Four monks were meditating in the temple when, all of a sudden, the prayer flag started flapping. 

The youngest monk came out of meditation and observed, "The flag is flapping!"

A second more experienced monk corrected him, "No, the wind is flapping."

A third monk observed, "No, you're both wrong. The mind is flapping."

The fourth and eldest monk finally said, "Mouths are flapping."

A Zen master told me, “Do the opposite of what I tell you.” So I didn’t.


Q: What happens when a Buddhist man becomes totally absorbed with a new electronic gadget?

A: He enters nerdvana.


A Buddhist woman phones the monastery and asks the monk, “Can you come to do a blessing for my new house?”

The monk replies: “Sorry, I’m busy.”

“What are you doing? Can I help?”

“I’m doing nothing,” replies the monk.

“Doing nothing is a monk’s core business, and you can’t help me with that.”

The next day the Buddhist woman calls again, “Can you please come to my house for a blessing?”

“Sorry,” says the monk, “I’m busy.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m doing nothing,” replies the monk.

“But that’s what you were doing yesterday!” says the Buddhist woman.

“That’s correct,” replies the monk, “and I’m not finished yet!” More

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