Thursday, September 23, 2021

Slave patrols round up Haitians in Texas

Camilo Montoya-Galvez (CBS News via MSN); Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
DHS cowboys with whips, guns, horses, slave patrol tactics? They're Haitians, not humans.
This is completely unacceptable in the United States, even for racist Texas (J.Crew)
Yee-hah! Rounding up Haitian "slaves" on horseback the Texas Ranger way (AP via MSN)
Awww, man, I would love this job!
The Biden administration has demobilized units of Border Patrol agents on horseback [like Texas Rangers on "slave patrol"] in Del Rio, Texas.

This follows controversy over the [draconian slave-era] tactics they employed recently to disperse [post-earthquake] Haitian migrants, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced today (Thursday, 9/23/21).

Emancipation and Freedom Monument, Virginia
"We have ceased the use of the horse patrol in Del Rio temporarily," a DHS official said during a briefing with reporters.

"We'll prioritize other methods for identifying individuals who might be in medical distress."

The suspension comes days after news outlets captured video and photos showing mounted Border Patrol agents aggressively dispersing [Black Haitian] migrants near Del Rio.

Some footage showed Border Patrol agents swinging lariats [whip lassos used on animals at rodeos], a type of rope used by horse riders, while trying to impede the passage of Haitian migrants.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib stands up for human rights
In one video a [racist] agent on horseback is heard telling a migrant man who huddled with a group of women and children, "This is why your country is sh-t, because you use your women for this."

The compilation of videos and photos sparked outrage among advocates for immigrants, Democratic lawmakers, and top officials in the Biden administration, including [often absent, often lying and laughing Black] Vice President Kamala Harris and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, both of whom called the footage horrifying. More

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