Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Saddest love story: "Annie Hall" (free movie)

Annie Hall (YouTube Movies, 8/31/21); Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., D.S., Wisdom Quarterly
Five reasons Annie Hall is a bad movie (Thomas Westenberg/, 2020)

Annie Hall
Writer-director-actor Woody Allen is in prime form in the celebrated comedy Annie Hall.

Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) is a neurotic, insecure, and indecisive Jewish comedy writer who falls head over heels in love with naïve small-town WASP gal Annie Hall (Diane Keaton) who wants to be a singer. 

The opening rounds of their relationship involve every romantic cliché (hilariously recreated by Woody). He feels snubbed by Annie's parents because he's a city slicker who loves their daughter. But they move in together anyway. Insecure, Alvy is so sure he will lose Annie that he interprets her every move as rejection.

As her self-confidence grows, his progressively fades.

MGM, PG, 1977, running time 1:33:26. Actors: Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Paul Simon, Tony Roberts, Shelly Duvall, and other cameos. Directed by Woody Allen. Produced by Robert Greenhut, Charles H. Joffe, Jack Rollins. Writers: Woody Allen, Marshall Brickman. Genre: comedy/drama.

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