Saturday, September 18, 2021

US drone operator kills innocent Kabul family

Afghan examines damage done to droned Ahmadhi family home (Bemat Amangue/AP)
US drone strike survivors in Kabul want an investigation and compensation (NPR)
Killing by Remote Control (
KABUL, Afghanistan — "Sorry" is not enough for the Afghan survivors of an errant U.S. drone strike ordered by U.S. Pres. Biden as U.S. was leaving the country it had occupied for 20 years.

The American drone operators killed 10 innocent members of the Ahmadi family by remote control, including seven children.

Emal Ahmadi, whose 3-year-old daughter Malika was killed on Aug. 29, when the U.S. hellfire missile struck his elder brother's car, told The Associated Press on Saturday that the family demands Washington D.C. investigate who fired the drone and remove and/or punish the military personnel responsible for the "accidental" strike.
"That is not enough for us to say sorry," said Ahmadi. "The U.S.A. should find the person who did this."

Mr. Ahmadi said the family is also seeking financial compensation for the family's losses and demanded that several members of the family be relocated to a third country, without specifying which country.

The AP and other news organizations in Kabul reported after the strike that the driver of the targeted vehicle, Zemerai Ahmadi, was a longtime employee at an American humanitarian organization and cited an absence of evidence to support the Pentagon's assertion that the vehicle contained explosives. More:

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