Sunday, October 31, 2021

Hindu Julia Roberts, 54, Buddhist Dick Gere, 72

Jessica Wedemeyer (MSN 10/30/21); ABC; Ash Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit
Richard Gere as "John," and Julia Roberts as "Pro" in Hollywood blockbuster Pretty Woman
JR in My Best Friends' Wedding
There exist "the most wildly stunning photos of a young Julia Roberts," who then converted to Hinduism (as a devotee of sex guru, Maharaj-ji, the promiscuous Monkey God Hanuman-worshipping Neem Karoli Baba) and broke up another woman's marriage, though not necessarily in that order.

MSN is showing the photos in honor of Roberts' 54th birthday. Look at that smile! Listen to that laugh! Good grief. 

My sugar daddy's a prince! And I'm
Who can forget her in Pretty Woman alongside Buddhist Richard Gere, at one time the most desirable man in Hollywood?

Julia Roberts' warm brown eyes sparkled when she wore her hair in a dark brunette shade during the 1998 BAFTA Awards in London.

What is it about her that so enchants the American public and most of the movie-going world? When Disney put out a feelgood story about a happy prostitute, Pretty Woman, the world couldn't get enough of her.

Julia Roberts, 1998 BAFTA Awards
We love fairytales. "Originally intended to be a dark cautionary tale about class and prostitution in Los Angeles, the film was re-conceived as a romantic comedy with a large budget," according to Wikipedia.

It was widely successful at the box office and was the third-highest-grossing film of 1990. It had the highest ticket sales in the US ever for a romcom, with Box Office Mojo listing it as the No. 1 romantic comedy by the highest estimated domestic tickets sold... More

Who can forget how she ruined the movie for Eat Pray Love?

Dick Gere, 72, is father of two new babies
Buddhist Richard Gere in 2000
What is Vajrayana Buddhist Richard Gere up to nowadays? Last heard, in early April 2018, Gere married Spanish activist Alejandra Silva.

In August 2018, they announced that they were expecting their first child.

Then their son, Alexander, was born in February of 2019. In April 2020, when Gere was 71, the birth of their second son was reported.

Richard Gere is now 72 (12/17) 
Gere's interest in Buddhism began when he was in his 20s. He first studied Zen Buddhism under Kyozan Joshu Sasaki. After having studied Zen for five or six years, in 1978 he and Brazilian painter Sylvia Martins traveled to Nepal, where he met many Tibetan monks and higher lamas.

Gere then met the 14th Dalai Lama in India, a kind of pope-king, and became a practicing Tibetan Buddhist of the Gelugpa school and an active supporter of his. More

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