Sunday, October 24, 2021

In search of the Sedona vortex (video)

Carrie Fay (; Jen (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
I don't see no vortex, just pretty red rocks and psychedelic skies, but I feel good. (Carrie Fay)
The best Sedona vortex discovery hikes and X-mas in Sedona (The Evolista)
Does anyone mark vortices? Sedona small-group Vortex Jeep Tour with Guide 2021 (

The Sedona vortex: A seriously amazing energetic phenomenon
Carrie Fay (
Sedona, Arizona, has long been revered by many people as a sacred place because of its energy vortexes.

But what exactly is a Sedona vortex? Learn why Sedona is considered a sacred town full of consciousness-altering energy in this deep dive article.

What is a vortex in Sedona? Vortices in Sedona are said to be powerful energy centers on the earth. These energy centers can’t be seen with two of our eyes, only the third, but they are felt by many.

They are called vortexes because their energy is said to be swirling like whirlpools. The energy emitted by the Sedona vortices is subtle energy – a term often used by energy healers.

Devils Bridge, Sedona (The Evolista)
Subtle energy (prana?) is said to be good for meditation, spiritual awakening, healing, and much more. The Sedona energy vortices are said to have profound effects on human consciousness.

These energy centers are said to consist of either masculine energy, feminine energy, or a mixture of both.

Why is Sedona considered a vortex?
Pick a vortex, any vortex (The E)
In the 1970s a psychic and proponent of New Age beliefs named Page Bryant identified the spiritual energy vortex of Sedona via channeling. But Sedona’s spiritual history goes much further back.

There are several different energy centers (spiritual vortices or vortexes) in and around Sedona.

While there are seven “main” vortex sites, some people say there are hundreds. For this reason the entire Sedona area is said to be one large vortex. It is said to be felt from miles away. More

What is an energy vortex?

Author Jen and her guy, Guy (The Evolista)
(The Evolista) Sedona is known for having something called an energy vortex, which is a swirling center of energy.

There are multiple places around Sedona that are supposed to have vortices, and Sedona itself is one big center of energy and healing. If that sounds kind of woo woo, it does to many. BUT, seriously, there is something about Sedona that just feels good.

One can’t help but feel happy and energized here. The vortexes were discovered in the 1950s by the psychic (channeler) Page Bryant. She was living in Sedona when she identified specific energy locations and called them "vortexes."

People who physically feel vortexes describe tingling sensations or vibrations. Others feel energies ranging from excitement to psychic phenomena. Near a vortex healing energy is supposed to be at a high.

Are other places on earth thought to have an energy vortexes? Yes, they include the Great Pyramid of Giza, Mount Shasta (a "Hollow Hill" with extraterrestrial aliens of various kinds) in California, Machu Picchu, and a handful of others.

Is there scientific proof of a Sedona vortex?
I read everything from articles about the physics of a vortex to New Age positive and negative energy vortices, and there does not appear to be a scientific explanation or proof of a Sedona vortex.

There are people who use terminology about energy lines and energy fields, but what factual or scientific information is there?

There are definitely things I believe in that would not pass the "science" test. Even people who are the opposite of New Age are intrigued by interesting ideas.

It’s exciting to have new experiences, especially in beautiful places like Sedona. From the second we entered Sedona we felt great and were eager to venture out and see if we could feel a vortex.

We decided to tour Sedona by hiking to the various vortex sites. More

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