Saturday, October 30, 2021

Halloween: "Spooked" marathon (scary audio)

Who can believe in ghosts and goblins...until one has a direct encounter? (

Host Glynn Washington (
Ready to be scared? This Halloween weekend, KPCC FM ( brings the “Spooked” marathon.

Ever felt an icy chill suddenly come over a room? Ever see doors slam unexpectedly, heard footsteps creeping down a hall when you’re all by yourself, or felt the touch or presence of something supernatural?

If so, there are many others who have, too. We’re not alone. Host Glynn Washington (Snap Judgement) brings REAL stories of unexplained phenomena and unknown occurrences.

Spooky free podcasts (
They are told by the people they happened to. It's the basis of “Spooked,” Washington's brainchild. AirTalk hears from Washington what inspired his love of the supernatural.
The “Spooked” marathon runs from 6:00 pm to midnight Saturday and Sunday nights, on 89.3 FM KPCC, Los Angeles (an online around the world at

Where do we go when we die?
Death is here! En garde! - Oh, hey Death.
It's important to know. The Dead, in a sense, have not gone anywhere. They are right here with us. They walk among us as pretas ("hungry ghosts") if they did not attain a fortunate rebirth. Karma works opportunistically. So it is not possible to tell for any  person (other than those who have attained one or more of the stages of enlightenment by the overcoming of the defilements and fetters) where they have ended up -- in the heavens, another world in the human plane, among spirits, devas, ogres, animals, roughly categorized into 31 types of worlds, including hellish ones.

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