Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Buddhist Genesis: In the Beginning (DN 27)

Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; sound mastering by Philip Lein, Arrow River

On Knowledge of Beginnings (DN 27)
In the beginning of life on earth, celestials (brahmas) descended and devolved here.
(Ajahn Punnadhammo) This is a reading and discussion by Western Thai Theravada Buddhist monk Venerable Punnadhammo, opening with a Family Guy clip on Evolution vs. Creationism.

Some of the Canadian audience for the talk
The subject is "A Buddhist Genesis," the Agañña Sutta, held at a regular Saturday public event this past spring at Arrow River Hermitage, Canada, May 2021.
Arrow River Forest Hermitage is in Thunder Bay, Ontario (an associated monastery of Ajahn Chah's Wat Pah Pong, Thailand), an affiliate of Birken Forest Buddhist Monastery in Knutsford, BC.

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