Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Friends Beyond Death 2 (MN 140) w/ Ayya V

(Buddhist Insights) Today's sutra with German Buddhist nun Ayya Vimalanyani continues the theme of friendship after death, following the Bhikkhu Bodhi translation (suttacentral.net/mn140/en/bodhi).

In Part 1 the story begins that long ago, in the time of Kassapa Buddha, there were seven wandering ascetics under him. They were bent on enlightenment, so they climbed a rock mountain and began to meditate with complete dedication. One attained full enlightenment, another the second stage of enlightenment called nonreturning, and the remaining five passed away without attaining anything. One of them, the subject of today's discourse, was much later reborn as King Pukkusati. This is how he awakened by meeting Shakyamuni (Gautama) Buddha.

SUTRA: The Exposition of the Elements
Bhikkhu Bodhi (trans.), Middle-Length Discourses, Majjhima Nikāya 140; Dhr. Seven (ed.), WQ

Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was wandering in the Magadhan country and eventually arrived at Rājagaha.

There he went to the potter Bhaggava and said to him: “If it is not inconvenient for you, Bhaggava, I will stay one night in your workshop.”

“It is no inconvenience for me, venerable sir, but there is a wanderer already staying there. If he agrees, then stay as long as you like, venerable sir.”

Now there was a clansman named Pukkusāti who had gone forth from the home life into the home-free life out of confidence (faith) in the Blessed One, and on that occasion he was already staying in the potter’s workshop.

Then the Blessed One went to Venerable Pukkusāti and said to him: “If it is not inconvenient for you, bhikkhu, I will stay one night in the workshop.”

“The potter’s workshop is large enough, friend. Let the venerable one stay as long as he likes.” More

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