Saturday, November 27, 2021

I am so WOKE. You better be, too...or else!

WARNING: Shocking, inflammatory, vulgar, sexist, racist, politically incorrect opinions!

(SCR2) Is it 1984? No? Then let comedians, particularly stand up comics like Dave Chappelle, do their job! This compilation features Bill Burr, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Rowan Atkinson, Ricky Gervais, and Stephen Fry.

Facebook is an enemy of freedom.
Q: Why but why would Wisdom Quarterly, a Buddhist website, not side with the oppressed?

A: That's just about all we do. And the oppressed in this instance are free speech advocates. Allow hate speech. Be offended. You are not saving the world by enforcing semantic rules.

Give us an honest racist over a politically correct fake woke person any day! Like the ACLU, we must defend the rights of those who would offend us, shock us, wake us from our complacency.

Read this classic novel and open your eyes to 2021.
Like Cary Harrison, we don't want to learn the new LGBTQI+ alphabet, and we shouldn't be made to in the name of some good agenda.

This is not the way to progress. This is the way to authoritarian fascism.

The job of the Left used to be to avoid the rush toward Big Brother and George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four as well as Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

How have the defenders of the good become advocates for the bad? Knock it off. Let Chappelle insult whomever he wants. Let the Neo-Nazis march. Let yourself be offended. And the best time for that is in college on a campus.

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