Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Left wing hate radio? Stephanie Miller Show

I was on the Right (KFI AM) and still sound like it, but now I hate for the Left (KPFK FM).

On tour with gay friends (sexyliberal.com)
What if a big jerk radio talk show host pulled Left? Would it suck? Would it be uncomfortable, appropriating the mannerisms of right-wing hate radio on the AM dial?

Yeah, but what if she were pro-White House, pro-Biden, pro-Fauci, pro everything the mainstream media wants? Why have her on Free Speech Radio LA (kpfk.org) if that's all she's going to do?

It's radio Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci could love.
Prior to going nationwide, Stephanie Miller pulled #1 ratings at KABC AM and KFI AM in Los Angeles and other radio stations in New York and Chicago.

No one knows her, but she's had tons of exposure on TV and on prime comedy prime stages:
  • Host of CNBC’s Equal Time,
  • Oxygen TV’s I’ve Got a Secret,
  • and many others.
THE STEPHANIE MILLER SHOW (via replayable vimeo.com live cast with video)
Isn't it better than nothing, Winston? - Not really
Miller has also appeared on CNN’s Joy Behar, Larry King Live, Reliable Sources, as well as MSNBC’s The Ed Show, Hannity and Colmes, and Neal Cavuto on Fox News, Good Morning America, the Today Show, the Tonight Show, among many others.

Miller comes to the Left from the Right. She’s the daughter of William Miller, Barry Goldwater’s 1964 Republican presidential running mate. Her humor and snappy political "wit" draw listeners from all sides.

Catch my show free on archive.kpfk.org
It makes her an equally irritating antidote to cantankerous male conservatives barking for the Right on AM.

The Stephanie Miller show airs weekdays at 6:00 am (Pacific) on Pacifica's KPFK.org and is available in the Archive (archive.kpfk.org) right after the fabulous Something's Happening with Roy of Hollywood, which airs "Buddhist Radio" on Thursday nights after midnight and Sunday mornings at 8:00 am.

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