Monday, December 27, 2021

Children who remember past lives (U of Virginia)

Dr. Jim B. Tucker, MD (University of Virginia); Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Jim Tucker: Life Before Life - Extraordinary cases of children who remember past lives
Before by Dr. Tucker, MD (
Before: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives
is a fully updated two-in-one edition, with a new introduction by the author, combining Dr. Jim B. Tucker, MD’s bestselling books about children who remember past lives — Return to Life and Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation.

These two books contain first-person accounts of Dr. Tucker’s experiences with a number of extraordinary children with memories of past lives. It expands on the international work started by Tucker’s University of Virginia mentor and colleague, Dr. Ian Stevenson.

Dr. Tucker’s goal in each case of a child reporting memories of previous lives is to determine what happened —
  • what the child said,
  • how the parents reacted,
  • whether the child’s statements match the life of a particular deceased person, and
  • whether the child could have learned such information through normal means.
Dr. Tucker has found case studies that provide persuasive evidence that some children do, in fact, possess memories of previous lives.

Thought-provoking and captivating, the stories in Before urge readers, skeptics, and supporters alike to think about life, death, and reincarnation [rebirth] and to reflect on their own consciousness and spirituality. More

Praise for Before
“In this very elegant book, Dr. Tucker offers the most convincing scientific evidence for the fact that our consciousness survives physical death. And indeed, takes quantum leaps of creativity in the form of reincarnation. The model that Dr. Tucker presents opens a new vision of who we are, limitless beings that fill up all of space and time.”
— Dr. Deepak Chopra, MD, author of Life After Death: The Burden of Proof

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