Friday, December 31, 2021

Thai and Khmer New Year's celebrations (video)

Khmer New Year Celebration at a Buddhist Temple in Cambodia
(Samuel and Audrey, 4/13/13) While wandering around in Battambang on our first full day in the city we noticed traditional Khmer temple music far off in the distance.

As we approached our guest house, it became louder. Naturally we explored a Buddhist temple on Khmer New Year (Cambodian New Year).

Inside of the temple we noticed lots of Cambodians celebrating with festive food and incense. Special fruit was prepared along with various kinds of dishes and sugarcane juice. Bowls were lined on a table where locals were giving rice (known as almsgiving to the Buddhist monastic community) to the local monks.

Children were laughing and playing, and we even spotted roosters feeding. We live for these kind of random travel moments, where we step outside of our guest house not knowing what kind of adventures we'll encounter.

For those interested in experiencing Cambodian New Year, it takes place April 13-15, which is the end of the harvesting season for farmers.

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