Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sarah Silverman in the news (JD comedy)

Katie Couric (Sunday Morning); JD, Kurt Metzger (Jimmy Dore Comedy); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Sarah Silverman called "racist" for criticizing Joy-Ann Reid
(The Jimmy Dore Show, 12/20/21) Comedian Sarah Silverman ran afoul of Democratic Party defenders and partisans when she tweeted some very mild criticism of MSNBC Host Joy-Ann Reid over a CNN story about Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis establishing a state force independent of the National Guard. Silverman was called racist and widely dragged by BlueAnon types for having the temerity to criticize the Harvard-educated MSNBC host.
Jimmy Dore and fellow comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the story. Read more about the story here: Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Newsletter:

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