Saturday, January 22, 2022

Evidence TIME TRAVEL is real (video)

Rassey De Los Santos (; Andrew D. Basiago (Project Pegasus); Jesse Ventura (Conspiracy Theory); Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Enter the Jump Room, which feels like a kind of elevator in El Segundo, Los Angeles
Photographic evidence means little to us now.
Fans of Back to the Future are generally also fans of time travel. And nothing fascinates the Internet more than conspiracy theories.

So when purported time travelers get tossed in with inexplicable images, Internet users are bound to have a field day.

The question remains the same: “Does time travel exist?” Is it real? When will it be real? Think about it though -- when it's real (in the future), it will always have been real. It's already happening. There are visitors that tell us so.

Time Traveler out of place among locals in 1913 in San Jose, California (
Out of place man with a mohawk haircut in the 1900s among the workers and gentry.
Do WE have it? Many people say no, but there are dozens of videos and pictures that say otherwise — at least they appear to say otherwise. Whip out the flux capacitor. These photos and videos will definitely shake skeptics and make everyone wonder if time travelers are already here.

Nonbelievers will become believers if they listen to attorney and time traveler Andrew D. Basiago. More + PHOTOS

Project Pegasus for time travel
Young Andrew D. Basiago, in large shoes, at Gettysburg during Pres. Lincoln's address.
Gov. Ventura meets Andrew D. Basiago (Tru TV)
Former Gov. Jesse Ventura in his show Conspiracy Theory (S3, E18) investigated rumors that the government has developed secret time travel technology beginning with the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project. It has already been used as a weapon to alter historical events. Meet Andrew D. Basiago, an American who claims that as a child, he was used by the U.S. military as a "chrononaut," working for his father at the Los Alamos National Laboratory on a DARPA experiment called "Project Pegasus." Young Basiago was sent back in time to meet historical figures such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and has proof. He also teleported to Mars from El Segundo, California, with others.

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