Saturday, January 15, 2022

Machiavelli’s advice for Nice Guys (video)

Machiavelli’s advice for nice guys
(The School of Life, 2/10/17) Nice guys too often finish last; they need to read the advice of one of the wisest and most realistic thinkers in the history of philosophy: Niccolo Machiavelli.

TED ed: Do we really know Machiavelli based on one brief essay?

No more Mr. Nice Guy, China! CIA's behind me.
READING: “Our assessment of politicians is torn between hope and disappointment. On the one hand, we have an idealistic idea that a politician should be an upright hero, a man or woman who can breathe new moral life into the corrupt workings of the state. However, we are also regularly catapulted into cynicism when we realize the number of backroom deals and the extent of the lying that politicians go in for. We seem torn between our idealistic hopes and our pessimistic fears about the evil underbelly of politics...” Read more on this and other topics at (

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CREDITS:  Produced in collaboration with Mike Booth (somegreybloke #TheSchoolOfLife).

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