Saturday, January 29, 2022

LGBT "Millenneagram: Enneagram Guide" (book)

Adrian,, May 21, 2019; Ananda (DBM), Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

What's your E type, Sweet Spirit?
Author Hannah Paasch’s Millenneagram helps some millennial gay and possibly some straight readers figure out who the f*ck they are to live their best life.

“When you read the words that call your bluff, everything changes.”

Lesbian/queer activist Hannah Paasch
That’s how activist Hannah Paasch explains the power of discovering her Enneagram personality type.

In Paasch’s book Millenneagram: The Enneagram Guide for Discovering Your Truest, Baddest Self, the self-described “mob boss of misfit queers” delves deep into this “personality typology” and explains why we might consider caring about it while the world seems on the verge of burning down.

Queer people love taxonomies, says Paasch, who love astrology and Harry Potter houses and magnificent, evolving systems of language.

Maybe it’s because the dominant culture has shoved us into and thrown us out of so many boxes that we decided to grab the reins and categorize ourselves on our own terms.

Sacred Enneagram: Ultimate Guide
The Enneagram, which sorts people into nine main “types” numbered one through nine, has experienced a surge of popularity in the last few years.

Philosopher Oscar Ichazo created and first taught the system in the 1960s; he incorporated influences from numerous spiritual and intellectual traditions.

Paasch studied Ichazo’s work and many others who have written and studied the Enneagram before writing her own book on the subject. More

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