Sunday, January 23, 2022

Traveling across USA during pandemic

Michelle Gross, Insider vis MSN, 1/22/22; Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Posing with a cowboy hat and boots
We drove cross country, and these were the 16 coolest places we stopped at along the way, plus three spots we'd skip:

I never planned to drive cross country. My partner and I drove 6,036 miles from coast to coast during the pandemic.
On our road trip, we stopped for regional food, incredible nature, and quirky roadside attractions. If I were to drive cross country again, these are the places I'd return to and those I'd skip.

Driving cross country was never something I planned on doing. But it was my partner's life-long dream, and we recently road-tripped from New York City to San Diego and back.

A man, woman, and a dog in a car -- for a total of 6,036 miles across a nation from NY to my hometown of San Diego and back during the pandemic.

Driving cross country is an ambitious journey that always sounded a bit more romantic to me in theory than in practice. But when my partner convinced me to expand my horizons.

We started planning with the Ralph Waldo Emerson adage "It's not the destination, it's the journey," as our guiding principle.

I figured we might as well see as many cool and quirky things along the way as possible. Here are the places we stopped at and the places I'd skip next time.

After leaving NYC, our first stop was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where we ate pizza and visited The Andy Warhol Museum. More

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