Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Buddhist nuns of Australia (video), 2019; Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly
I want to be a fully-ordained Buddhist nun. Is this the right monastic outfit and haircut?

Dhammasara Monastery Nuns' 10th Anniversary
(BSWA Webmaster, Oct. 27, 2019) This is the full version of the Dhammasara bhikkhunīs 10th anniversary of the renewal of the Theravada Buddhist Nuns' Order or Bhikkhuni Sangha in Gidgeganup, Western Australia.

Dhammasara is a Theravada nunnery and a vital part of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia (, which is also composed of Bodhinyana Monastery with British Abbot Ajahn Brahm.

Dhammasara Nuns' Monastery, Western Australia, at the end of the rainbow (

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